4 Ways to Celebrate Together a Not-So-Typical Holiday Season

The Holidays are upon us! For many this can be a time of joyful celebrations with family and friends but others are reminded of times that were more difficult as they navigate dysfunctional family situations. This year our normal traditions may be unexpectedly hijacked due to the current troubles and other financial considerations. I wanted to write this short article to encourage you if your Holidays this year are looking nothing like normal but you could still use some happiness along with a much-needed break.
1. Make the most of traditions while continuing to be safe in the pandemic
Stay positive and get excited about the traditions you can continue to enjoy. You can still send out Christmas cards, watch a favorite holiday movie, bake your favorite holiday foods. One of our favorite traditions is to drive around town to look at Christmas lights with a cup of hot cocoa. You may have to miss out on some events that mean a lot to you, but it does not mean you can’t adapt to a new way of connecting.
2. Focus on gratitude
Take time to appreciate and express gratitude to those around you. You will be surprised to see how powerful this gesture can be. When we speak life to those around us joy is experienced.
3. Brainstorm for ways to give gifts that don’t cost anything here are a few:
- Take time to write cards or notes letting others around you know how much they mean to you.
- Give someone the gift of time along with a cup of tea.
- Print a favorite photo or Scripture to share with a loved one.
- Make them something tasty like killer homemade trail mix or a favorite cookie.
- Re-gift wisely if you have something you know someone else would love.
- Write out family recipes on Holiday recipe cards.
4. Create a celebration worth looking forward to
2020 has felt like Ground Hog Day to many filled with an overwhelming sense of monotony. Once you have accepted that this Holiday may not be the same you can use your energy to create something new. Brainstorm with those around you to reinvent the season. Keeping in mind the most important part of the Holiday is to experience friends and family as the greatest treasures in our lives.
If you have been through an unusually difficult season and would like support during the Holidays or through the stress of the election, we are here for you.
Here at Christian Counseling Centers, San Francisco we can provide a safe place for you to share all your feelings and concerns. We are a caring group of therapists wanting the best for you and your life. Please don’t hesitate to contact us.