Dine with Him ~ A Therapeutic for Boredom & Loneliness

Two of the psychological and spiritual crises brought to light by the 2020-2021 lockdowns is boredom and loneliness. Boredom can be defined as a weary restlessness connected with feelings of indifference and disinterest. The combo of boredom and loneliness become a deadly spiritual condition because it makes us vulnerable to other sources of satisfaction. “For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters and hewn themselves cisterns – broken cisterns that can hold no water,” (Jeremiah 2:2).

Current global shifts in the world and the church have revealed the cracks and barrenness existing in the human soul, highlighting ones boredom and loneliness. Yet in the midst of this Jesus places the greatest invitation to us, offering deep fellowship with him in a request to come and dine with Him.  “Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends,” (Revelation 3:20 NLT). This verse, often used to invite others to know Christ, is in fact written as an invitation to Christians. Revealed in this Scripture and many others there are several implications connected to the idea of dining with Christ.

Recently while meditating on dining with Christ, I read a very interesting article which spoke about the ritual of eating food no longer being a matter of survival but a way to find community and connection. The dining table traditionally has been known as a place of sharing with family and friends, a place of identity, remembering, and relating with one another. In an article in The Atlantic titled, Why We Eat Together, Louise O. Fresco, writes, “The dining table is disappearing. Fewer are being sold now in rich economies, apparently. This says a lot about the times we live in. The table is less and less the center of family life.” As the dining table disappears, eating at the computer, standing up in the kitchen or watching Netflix has become commonplace. Or worse yet, being home all day has made food an experience you do grazing all day taking away the power of connection to another.

The journey to the table with Jesus draws us in to His presence and embrace, ensuring us of His deep affections. The dining table is a place where His love is experienced, celebrated and spoken of. Here we find our true identity and are given an antidote for our bareness, boredom and loneliness.

As we approach the celebration of Easter, take time to imagine sitting down and dining with Christ.

  • What would you talk about?
  • What questions would you ask?
  • Talk to Him like you would a friend.
  • Share your burdens. Tell Him you love Him.

If you look at the painting below, Holman Hunt’s, Light of the World, shows Jesus knocking on a door in front of which the weeds have grown tall, indicating this door has not been opened for a long time… You will also notice there is no handle on Jesus’ side of the door, the handle is only on the inside– our side. Only we can open the door from within and accept the invitation to dine with Christ.

Finding ways to return to the table in our homes and responding to the knock on the door by Christ in our hearts, will turn us toward spiritual and mental wholeness individually and in our families.

If you are experiencing boredom, loneliness or the fast pace of life we would like to support you in your spiritual and psychological move towards health.  We are a caring group of therapists who want the best for you and your life.  Don’t hesitate to contact us.

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